AOZ1374DI-01是一款采用DFN3x3 10-pin封装,具有实际反向电流阻断(TRCB)的编程电流限制的过压保护开关,适用于USB Type-C端口的源电流应用。工作电压范围在3.4V至23V之间,VIN和VOUT最高能耐受28V绝对电压。导通电阻典型值为34mΩ,能够承受高达3.5A的直流电流,可调节软启动电路控制高电容负载的浪涌电流,精确性使Thresold能作为可调节的输入欠压锁定(UVLO)使用。AOZ1374DI-01具有在检测到故障时自动重启的功能。
Status | Full Production |
Package | DFN3x3A-10L |
Min Vin (V) | 3.40 |
Max Vin (V) | 23 |
Sink or Source | Source |
Max Load I (A) | 3.5 |
RON (mΩ) | 36 |
I Limit | Adjustable |
OVP | Adjustable |
External Soft Start | Yes |
# of Channels | 1 |
FRS Function | No |
RCB Topology | Comparator |
SCP Function | Fast Shutdown |
Latch-off / Auto-Restart | Auto-Restart |
Status | Full Production |
Package | DFN3x3A-10L |
Min Vin (V) | 3.40 |
Max Vin (V) | 23 |
Sink or Source | Source |
Max Load I (A) | 3.5 |
RON (mΩ) | 36 |
I Limit | Adjustable |
OVP | Adjustable |
External Soft Start | Yes |
# of Channels | 1 |
FRS Function | No |
RCB Topology | Comparator |
SCP Function | Fast Shutdown |
Latch-off / Auto-Restart | Auto-Restart |
Title | Type | Date | File |
AOZ1374DI-01 Datasheet | Datasheets | 2023-07-31 | |
AOZ1374DI-01 Marking | Markings | 2020-12-29 | |
AOZ1374DI-01 Reliability Report | Reliability Reports | 2020-12-29 | |
DFN3x3A_10L_EP1_S | Package | 2022-09-23 | |
DFN3x3A_10L_EP1_S Tape & Reel | Tape & Reel | 2024-04-25 |
Package Name | Dimensions | Package Specifications | Packaging Method |
DFN3x3A_10L_EP1_S | 3.0x3.0x0.9 | Tape and Reel |